Interactive Ink Wash Painting

An interactive wall that enables users to digitally create traditional Chinese ink wash paintings using gesture recognition technology.


2022 / 3 months


Coding, UI Design, Illustration


Leap motion & Processing, Procreate, Figma

Ink wash painting, once widely celebrated in ancient China and embraced by other countries, has seen a decline in familiarity with its unique techniques.



This interactive painting experience aims to safeguard ink wash painting from cultural erosion and spark initial interest among people from diverse backgrounds.


Illustration & 3D animation

After extensive research, three representative types of content and three distinct brushwork styles have been selected to be included in the painting experience.

The optimal location for the interactive projection is inside a history or art museum that features a Chinese Painting exhibition. This arrangement enables users to fully immerse themselves in the realm of ink-wash painting, enriching their experience by simultaneously exploring its historical context.

How does it works?

Human-computer interaction

Processing and LeapMotion technologies are employed to create the final outcome, accurately tracking hand motions and simulating the brushwork of real ink wash painting.

  • User Test

    Students in the class, all from different countries, play and test this final outcome with surprise and praise for the beautiful painting technique and traditional culture.

UI Design

The digital UI serves as an add-on educational tool to enhance understanding of the history and context of Chinese Ink Wash Painting after users engage with the wall painting. Positioned near the painting projection in a museum, this interface will also be accessible as an online website, providing a comprehensive educational resource both in-person and virtually.


Metro Media Data Report- Publication Design


Kill Body Anxiety - Web & Book Design